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With age, the collagen production in our body decreases which can cause fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, volume loss and other skin-related issues. External factors such as excessive sun exposure and an irregular skincare routine may cause premature aging, acne, and other skin concerns.

J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics will always have a solution to address premature aging, fine lines, or wrinkles. We offer several facial treatments to make your skin as young as you look inside. Sculptra is such a great medical cosmetic treatment to diminish your aging related concerns. You can use this versatile treatment to improve the appearance of several body parts, such as chest wrinkles, slacked chin, and face wrinkles.

What is Sculptra-A Brief Overview?

Sculptra is a non-invasive injectable skin rejuvenation procedure to treat fine lines, wrinkles, volume loss, aging, skin texture, firmness, and radiance of the skin. This FDA-approved medical treatment also encourages new collagen production and restores the cheeky plumpness of your skin. Collagen is the most important factor for making your skin look younger, brighter, and radiant. As you age, the collagen production in your body decreases, leading to several skin-related issues.

It is important to note Sculptra itself doesn't provide the filling treatment; rather, it causes a chemical reaction in your body that encourages new collagen production. The newly created collagen-enrich tissues help correct deep facial wrinkles resulting in tighter and smoother skin.

Sculptra is also recommended if you want to reduce premature aging or improve the appearance of Nasolabial Folds. Our providers at J'adore Beauty and Aesthetics recommend getting at least three or four Sculptra sessions over several months to get your desired results. It takes about 10 weeks to see visible signs of sculptra to start working. This is because it is a progressive change. What you see immediately is the water that is reconstituted with the sculptra. Your body will absorb that water and what will be left behind is PLLA. The biodegradable molecule (Poly-L-Lactic acid), which is inside of Sculptra, and that’s what stimulates your body to start reproducing collagen and elastin. Our collagen production slows down by 2% in your 20s so this is a great treatment for younger and older clients. Typically patients need more than one vial if they have significant signs of aging, volume loss or the integrity of their skin has gone down.

Sculptra Pre & Post Instructions

Post-Sculptra Instructions:

  • DO massage the treated areas 5 times a day for about 5 minutes for 5 days after treatment.
  • DO hold ice packs on the treated areas gently for about 3-5 minutes a few times that day.
  • Feel free to wear makeup a few hours after.
  • Treated areas may be red, swollen, and bruised for the first 2-7 days.
  • Do NOT get a facial or massage for 2 weeks after your filler procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous workouts and alcohol for 24 hours if possible.
  • If bruising occurs, continue Arnica supplements, DO apply topical Arnica gel, drink fresh pineapple juice, and/or take Bromelain supplements to help bruising resolve faster.
  • Bruising can be covered with makeup. i.e. Dermablend (CVS or Macy’s) or Colorescience Corrective Palette.
  • A few days after treatment, you will look as you did before treatment. This is normal, over time, Sculptra will replace lost collagen.

Follow-Up Treatment:

  • Follow up treatments should be scheduled about every 4-6 weeks.
  • Visible results may not be seen until 3 sessions have been completed.
  • Results can last more than two years.

Sculptra Pre Instructions

After each treatment session with Sculptra Aesthetic there are a few easy things you will need to help with the treatment results. You can print out this instruction sheet and keep it handy so you remember to do these things every day:

  • HAVE AN – ice pack ready: Within the first 24 hours of treatment, apply a cloth-wrapped ice pack to the treated area for a few minutes at a time. Never apply ice directly to the skin. The cold will help reduce common swelling.
  • GIVE YOURSELF – facial massages: Massage the treated area for 5 minutes 5 times a day for 5 days after treatment as recommended by your physician
  • AVOID – excess sunlight and UV exposure: Protecting your skin from the sun is always important, but after treatment, excessive sunlight and UV lamp exposure should be avoided until any initial swelling and redness go away. Your doctor will provide guidelines on sunscreen protection and how to avoid excessive sunlight.

Call your doctor if you have any questions or concerns after treatment. Also, report any side effects to your doctor. Be sure to keep any follow-up appointments that may be scheduled.

Remember, Sculptra Aesthetic works by gradually replacing lost collagen. It provides improvements subtly without making it look like you’ve had work done.

Is It Safe to Undergo Sculptra Treatment?

Yes, Sculptra is FDA approved and completely safe. It includes a biodegradable Poly-L-Lactic molecule with no significant side effects. Our expert providers at J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics use effective numbing agents to numb the treatment area.

They suggest specific instructions to follow during treatment to make the Sculptra procedure risk-free and minimize bruising. For instance;

  • Avoid any anti-inflammatory medication before the treatment
  • Don’t take an Omega-3 supplement for at least a week before your treatment

Why Should You Choose J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics for Your Sculptra Treatment?

At J'adore Beauty and Aesthetics, experienced and well-certified Nurse Practitioners perform Sculptra to deliver tailored results to our clients. We use efficient approaches to deliver satisfactory results through Sculptra. Our provider always provides her clients with realistic expectations that way they can achieve long term results but nothing is one and done. It is essential to do your part in maintaining your results whether that is coming back in for another treatment when the provider states to do so or using medical grade skin care to maintain the results of the treatment.

Don't look further; book your appointment with J'adore Beauty and Aesthetics and get the skin of your dreams!

What should I expect after getting Sculptra?

While Sculptra is a minimally invasive procedure there are a few things you must expect after having a Sculptra treatment. In terms of side effects, you must know that the most common side effects may include bruising, minimal pain, itching, heat sensations, swelling, and redness for the next 2-20 days on average. Before taking the treatment we also suggest our clients avoid taking a few medications such as anti-inflammatory medications, Omega-3 supplements, and Vitamin E to minimize the chances of bruising.

As a result of the successful Sculptra injections procedure, you can expect a more rejuvenated, smooth, firmer, and youthful skin back!

Is Sculptra Safe?

At J’adore the Sculptra treatment is performed by individuals who are certified and have had expertise in providing the most comfortable Sculptra treatment. Sculptra is constituted of poly-L-Lactic acid which is a bio-degradable substance that gets absorbed by the skin with passing time. Hence, there are very minimal to no side effects of the injectable persisting in the skin.

How long does it last?

The duration of sessions and how many sessions a person requires may vary from person to person and at J’adore, the best Sculptra clinic in Orlando, Florida we determine the number of sessions a person requires during the first appointment session with our doctor.

Ideally, someone old or thin, or someone who exercises extensively may require more sessions of Sculptra injections rather than the people who are in their middle age and are healthy. A person taking Sculptra is required to take at least three sessions over several months.

How long a Sculptra injection lasts also varies from person to person however, generally the injections usually get absorbed by the skin within 1-2 days. The after-effects of your collagen production can last up to 3 years but this does vary on the patient.

In what areas can you use Sculptra?

Sculptra injectables are injections made up of poly-L-Lactic acid that can be used in various areas of the face and body to improve the appearance of:
Slacked chin,
Fine lines and wrinkles,
Sunken cheeks,
Chest wrinkles and folds etc.

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