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Hair Loss Treatment Services For You



Multiple studies have shown that hair loss can lower your self-esteem and lead to anxiety, depression, and social phobia. If you’re someone who is concerned about hair loss or thinning hair, Hair restoration could be the perfect treatment for you. It is a proven therapy to address your hair loss problems and grow new hair.

What is Treatment for Hair Loss - A Brief Overview?

Hair loss therapy is a well-proven treatment for hair loss that involves injecting into your scalp, reversing hair loss and growing new hair.

During the treatment, the client’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge, separated into three different layers. The providers inject into the areas of the scalp and hair follicles that face the issue of hair loss. This treatment triggers the activation of a particular group of cells known as papilla cells, responsible for hair growth.

The hair loss therapy has gained much attention due to its results and minimum side effects. It shows effective results if you’re in the early ages of hair loss and have active hair follicles. People with extensive hair loss can also go with this treatment, but they need a series of sessions of hair loss therapy and additional treatments to get effective results for maintenance purposes. Results do not show overnight; it takes several sessions to get visible results as well as being consistent and patient. You will need to come in once a month for 4 sessions or more, you will slowly start to notice hair growth in the areas that were injected and the surrounding areas. Your hair cycle reactivation involves the production of collagen and hair follicles which takes time. There are also things you will need to do at home to maintain as well.

PRP Hair Restoration Post Procedure Instructions:

AFTER: The week(s) after the procedure (for best results):

  1. Scabbing and mild peeling may occur.
  2. Keep treatment site clean
  3. AVOID the use of NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, Aspirin, etc.) 3 days after procedure (Tylenol is OK for pain relief – do not exceed 4000mg in a 24 hour period).
  4. AVOID the following nutritional supplements for 3 days after the procedure -­- Ginko Biloba, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin and other anti-­-inflammatory nutrients.
  5. AVOID the Systemic use of corticosteroids for 1-­2 weeks after the procedure.
  6. AVOID Alcohol for 24 hours after treatment and cigarettes indefinitely after the procedure if possible. Smoking damages blood vessels and reduces blood supply to scalp, leading to hair loss.
  7. EAT a healthy diet and HYDRATE with water.
  8. AVOID touching, pressing and manipulating the injection site for at least 12 hours after the injection.
  9. AVOID hot showers, saunas, and swimming pools for at least 24 hours after treatment.
  10. Results are best when combined with scalp massage, quality shampoo and conditioner, and hair growth oils to condition the scalp. Adding a supplement to the diet may be beneficial as well such as biotin and prenatals .
  11. Notify us of any concerns after the treatment. This includes but is not limited to redness, excessive swelling after 24 hours of treatment, pus, fevers, itching, rashes.

A few simple guidelines before your treatment can make a difference

If you develop a fever, cold, flu, or develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. in the area to be treated prior to your appointment, you must reschedule (we will not treat you).

It is recommended, if you have a special event or vacation coming up that you schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance.

If you are being treated in the lip area and have a history of Herpes (cold sores) with outbreaks more than 4 times a year some practitioners recommended that you are pretreated with medication. This office recommends Valtrex . **Please let us know that you need a prescription if you do not have this medication on hand. **

Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal and non steroidal) such as: Aspirin, Motrin (or any other Ibuprofen drugs) 1 week before your treatment. With PRP, we “want” inflammation this is one of the mechanisms of how PRP works.

If you are or have been on Systemic use of Corticosteroids (steroids) within 2 weeks of treatment, we cannot treat you. Consult your physician for approval to discontinue use of steroids and receive treatment.

Discontinue use of any other blood thinning agents such as: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s and DHA’s) etc. 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.

It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, spicy foods, and cigarettes 1 week before and after your treatment. (All of these may increase risk of bruising)

Benefits of Therapy for Hair Loss

Hair loss therapy for hair loss provides you with flowing benefits;

  • Strengthens the hair
  • Increases the production of collagen in the hair follicle
  • Promotes the growth of new hair and increases the diameter of the existing hair
  • No allergic reactions

Is it Safe to Undergo Therapy for Hair Loss ?

Hair loss herapy for hair loss is considered safe when performed by well-certified and trained providers. The treatment can cause mild side effects, such as;

  • Temporary hair shedding after the treatment
  • Headache
  • Redness
  • A mild sensation of pain

However, you can avoid these mild side effects of the treatment by following the pre and post-procedure precautions

Why Should You Choose J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics for your Hair Loss Therapy?

Being a leading medical spa in Orlando, Florida, J’adore Beauty and aesthetics provides an exclusive array of treatments to address your hair problems like hair loss and damage. Our expert providers are trained, certified and have experience in providing our clients with their desired results.

Book your appointment with J’adore Beauty and aesthetics and say goodbye to your hair loss.

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