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Dermaplaning is an advanced cosmetic grade treatment that superficially exfoliates your skin. This removes the top layer of dead skin cells, peach fuzz and fine hairs from your face which makes your skin smooth and gives a healthy glow.

Many people prefer Dermaplaning over using razors on the face because it actually exfoliates the skin, can lighten pigmentation or scars, allows treatments and products to penetrate deeper in and overall keeps the skin looking more youthful and bright. There is no downtime involved and it only take 30 minutes.

If you live in Orlando and want reliable Dermaplaning services with satisfactory results, J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics can provide you with the best solutions.

What is Dermaplaning-A Brief Overview?

Dermaplaning is a skin exfoliation treatment that uses a surgical blade to remove the outermost epidermis layers from your face. This treatment aims to make your skin look youthful, radiant, soft and glowing. It also helps to reduce pigmentation, acne scars and peach fuzz (small hairs on your skin). Dermaplaning is an ideal treatment if you have fine wrinkles, acne scars, dull skin, dry skin, or sun-damaged skin or no skin concerns at all. Dermaplaning is great to just maintain your overall skin health and to exfoliate.

Every day, your skin is exposed to several hazardous factors, such as irritants, sun exposure, and harsh environmental toxins that can cause your skin to look dull and aged. Dermaplaning exfoliates these damaged cells and encourages the formation of new cells. This is noticeably visible right after the treatment.

The exfoliating blade our providers use in Dermaplaning looks very similar to a razor you would use in your house. The concept of Dermaplaning is similar to shaving but not the same. When you shave your hair grows back thicker and darker but Dermaplaning does not cause this at all, your hair will grow back exactly the same. Our highly experienced skin care specialist uses a sterile surgical blade on your skin at a 45-degree angle and drags it slowly across the skin to remove dead skin cells, damaged tissues, and other debris that may cause certain skin concerns.

You can combine Dermaplaning with other medical treatments, such as a Basic Facial, Microneedling, Chemical Peels etc. to get more effective results.

Benefits Of Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning offers significant benefits to your skin, including;

  • Production of new collagen
  • Accumulation of keratin
  • Reduction of acne scars, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and blemishes
  • Suitable for all skin types and skin tones
  • Prevents constant breakouts
  • Triggers regeneration

Is It Safe to undergo a Dermaplaning Treatment?

Yes, Dermaplaning is FDA approved and completely safe as long as experienced and certified skin care experts perform it. This procedure involves a sharp exfoliating blade that may lead to severe side effects if not handled professionally. The commonly reported side effects of Dermaplaning are;

• Nicks on the skin if the blade gets caught
• Slight redness
• Development of whiteheads

Why Should You Choose J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics for Dermaplaning?

We at J’adore Beauty and Aesthetics are determined to provide our clients with their desired results. Our highly professional and well-certified estheticians perform Dermaplaning safely to reduce post-procedure risks.

Dermaplane Post Op Instructions


  • Use recommended skincare products such as the Avene Extreme Tolerance Kit sold here or cetaphil gentle cleanser.
  • Discontinue use of hydroxyl acids and retinols following your treatment for approximately 3 days.
  • Do not use harsh scrubs or abrasive loofahs following your treatment for at least 3 days.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear a sunscreen daily.
  • Avoid vigorous activity and hot heat.
  • Do not go swimming or put face under water.
  • Do not take long hot showers or put face under a hot stream of water.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid surfaces that could irritate your skin i.e. pillows, beards, collared or turtleneck shirts.
  • Do not pick or prematurely peel the skin, as this will cause hyper pigmentation and/or surface scars.
  • Return to the office as directed by provider or sooner with any complications.
  • If you have any questions or concerns contact our office.

Facial Post Treatment

After your treatment:

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds to treated areas 2 days after treatment (we recommend this indefinitely). Daily sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is always recommended.
  • Avoid any irritants to your skin, such as any products containing Retin-A, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic, salicyclic acids, astringents or Vitamin C for 1 day after your treatment.

Related Services

Chemical Peels

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Basic facials

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Acne Facials

Acne facials are highly useful to treat acne and acne scars regardless of the cause.


Say goodbye to oily, dull skin and acne problems and get radiant, clear, glowing skin with our facials options.

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